Monday, February 28, 2011

Happy 4.75 Birthday Serena!!!

I think even though you are not eating wheat I think you should treat yourself! 
Go to Chesecake factory or something and get the Chocolateyest  Piece you can find! 

27 Wishes for you!!!

1.) I wish you happiness (chocolate)
2.) I wish you happiness (new shoes)
3.) I wish you happiness (a good book, go read to kill a mocking bird)
4.) I wish you happiness (you students getting straight A's which means less work for you!) 
5.) I wish you happiness  . . . I wish you . . . scratch this you are only 4 anyways!
Well technically . . .
3/4.) I wish you happiness (you have a family who loves you!) 

Happy birthday Serena! Love you loads!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


 I have had two epiphanies about myself lately. The first is that I love to plan things,  I love the idea and the effort that can be put into working in a good cause. When I say this I don't mean from an low man on the totem pole perspective,  I mean behind the scenes but main organizer perspectives. I believe this will help me in my ambitions to become a philanthropist.

Number two is that  I enjoy a challenge but  I don't mind if it doesn't turn out exactly as planned. For example, I emailed Fred Adams and Stephen Greenblatt for my Shakespeare class. I have only heard back from Fred and that turned out really well. Don't care that it did not work out with Greenblatt because I didn't really lose anything in the effort except for the two minutes it took to send him an e-mail.

Where this is coming from is from the fact that I am currently working on enlisting a group of actors to do a dramatic reading of a Shakespeare play that I can digitally record and play for my class. I will be asking them to do this pro bono so we have to wait and see if anyone is willing. Well while looking up names I came across three that I would love to enlist however ones who I will probably not be able to contact, however, this will not stop me from trying!

The three names are: Paul Bettany, Kenneth Brannaugh and Colin Firth. Don't worry I am not delusional but you've got to try right?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


One of you said you have nothing to write about on the phone earlier today so let me enlighten you!

Steven: January 15
Anjanette: January 17
Serena: February 29
Cara: March 28
Ben: May 26
Danielle: June 20
Conni: August 4
Jake: October 10

Not only do we celebrate the fact that each of us out a part of our lives on these days but we also celebrate. .

I find that this first one suits dad because of the late stages of male pattern baldness he has been manisfesting as of late!

January 15: Hat day, national strawberry ice cream day (why did we not know this before! From now on on this day we will go t maverick in funny hats! Start looking people we have less than a year to find them!)

Another Ironic one because of the name of her husband, to bad his middle name is not Franklin! Anj would like that on two levels!

January 17: Benjamin Franklin's birthday, pig day (lets start a tradition of eating bacon on this day!)
February 29: Leap year (duh) and the day that helium was first liquified (SP) (um . . .we need to start having helium singing parties on this day, trust me it will be worth the brain cells!)
March 28: National Black forest cake day (as of now I find this grossly ironic and we will not be celebrating this until mom and I get back from Peru, nuff said.)
May 26: National Blueberry cheesecake day, (you know you want to! and so fitting when you think about our Christmas eve tradition and how much Ben loves it!)

elipsises mean you got jipped, sorry.

June 20: Father's day, West Virginia Admission day. . . I have a good feeling . . . coal mining . . . I like where this is going . . . diamonds!
August 4: William Schuman;s birthday . . . famous musician . . . hmmm . . . got it! blast music and have a dance party, yeah? yeah!?!

and the winner is!

October 10:  National metric day, double ten day, national angel food cake day, national wildlife refuge week . . . drum roll please . . .  dress up to do math and then feed your new pet goat, mountain lion, bear or racoon angel food cake. (warning: please do not rescue a carnivore and an herbivore the effort would seem a little contradictory.)

Monday, February 21, 2011

So . . .some problems

So if you comment or post say who it is typing otherwise we have no idea! It all show up as me (yes this is cara writing.) For example the comment on the post could either be Danielle or mom because I know that Danielle just looked at it but mom said she might get her hair cut today so . . .

does anyone know if there is a more high tech way to do this so that we don't have to say who is writing and everyone can access it through their own email?

Also if you have anything substantial to say you should make a new post not simply comment but it is all whatever you all want it to be!
Finally there has been a petition for a change in the name of the blog I am open to suggestions!

You Know You Love Me Now Show Me!

Hi family,

So I have heard people mention that we need to start a family blog and this Shakespeare class I am taking has inspired me. So I have started our family blog. I have created it, however, I expect everyone to post to it. Because of this I will be emailing you my g-mail username and password, this is how you will sign in to make a post (if were created pre 1980 ask Ben and Anj for help as needed). I expect you not a abuse it even if something funny comes to mind because as said above you love me! This is a way for us all to stay involved in each others lives. Pretty awesome right? I mean now the majority of you will, if you write in the blog, not have a constant message on your phone telling you that you have, once again, missed a call from me. Instead you will be able to open your email in the morning and see that You've Got Mail, from someone in the family via the blog. Now something you will want to do when you are checking this out for the first time is click on the follow button, I am not positive but I believe that this will notify you when there is a new post. However, I should probably also tell you that believing in things has not been a very successful endeavor for me as of late. For example, I wanted to go see Othello in the International Theater on campus this past Wednesday at five, much to my amazement when i picked the flyer it was only playing Tuesday and Friday at three. This is not to say i have stopped believing in things like I always say, you have to try right? But i have digressed. Well not entirely this fits with the next statement, I being the optimist I am expect each of you to post once a week. These post can be as short as a sentence and about whatever you want them to be about. Though it needs to be said, in relation to the last two sentences, as Frasier Crane once taught us "Yes, but if less is more just think how much more more would be!" So have at it folks, knock us out of the park! blow us away! and post as much as your little hearts desire! Also as you have witnessed above don't worry about misspellings and grammar this is a blog these things are not as important! Also I tend to blog when I am stalling so if you ever need to hear less from me just let me know! I should clarify though that that will work as well for you are me believing in Othello did for me!

Now show me that you love me and Post!!!


P.S. there is a comment option on each of the posts!